Medicaid is the largest health care insurer in the U.S. Over 72 million Americans qualify for Medicaid, including thousands in Wisconsin. Because it's a need-based program, there are income limits for eligibility. Therefore, some people need to spend down their assets...
Long-Term Care Planning
What an advance medical directive is and why it matters
An advance medical directive is a straightforward document or a group of documents that details your medical wishes and preferences. A key part of the long-term care planning process, drafting an advance medical directive is something that every aging Wisconsin...
Five Reasons to Protect Your Retirement Accounts Now
Your retirement account provides asset protection during your lifetime, but as soon as you pass that account to a loved one, that protection evaporates. When your spouse, child, or other loved one inherits your retirement account, creditors have the power to seize it...
How a Medicaid Spend Down Can Work for You
Medicaid qualification starts with an asset or income assessment. For some Wisconsin residents, this may require a spend down. A sound strategy, but there are confusing and complex restrictions you have to adhere to in Wisconsin. Read on for a brief review to see how...
Should you buy long-term care insurance?
Some people buy long-term care insurance as soon as they can, while others continue to put off the purchase. The approach you take depends on a variety of factors, including your budget and personal beliefs. Here are some things to think about if you’re on the fence...
How much does a nursing home cost?
Long-term care planning is difficult because it’s not possible to accurately predict every aspect of your future. Many people put aside what they believe is enough money for the future, but then a disease or a medical emergency drains those funds seemingly overnight,...
Long-term care options for special needs adults
When you have a special needs adult child, you may not know what to do when you can no longer care for them. As a parent, it’s a scary thought to imagine who will take care of your child once you’re gone. This thought becomes more haunting as you age. Until a child is...
Medicaid crisis planning for when the unexpected happens
A slip-and-fall accident, a debilitating diagnosis or abrupt physical and mental limitations stemming from age can strike seemingly without warning. Sudden incapacitation can require in-home care or placement in a long-term care facility. Crisis planning steps after...